The chrome extension for real-time updates on your unread message count for your Outlook account. This free gmail plug-in reduces the number of tabs you have open in your browser. This web app is compatible with the OWA migration. Connect notifier to your Outlook account to see the number of unread messages in your Chrome toolbar.
The Experiment
There was not a good notification extension for Outlook that will work across all Microsoft mailbox types. Most of the available solutions for a user to download didn't work. There was specifically issues around the connectivity of and accounts. We launched a lightweight experiment for chrome using their new API to be first to market.
v1 Consumer Team:
Kyle Weiss, C. Vincent Plummer, Kristin Demafeliz, Vikas Manocha, Chris Duncan, Jennifer Davies
v2 Consumer Team:
Alex Boase, C. Vincent Plummer, Aaron Labrie, Dane Carmichael, Amanda Freeman
My Role
As the UX / UI Designer on the project, my responsibilities included:
Discovery: Stakeholder interviews, Task Analysis
Definition: Product Flows, General UX
Design: Style Guide, Visual Design, Branding
v1 - The Experiment
the logo
I created a handful of logos to be as close to the original 360 logo as possible without breaching copyright laws. I performed some hallway tests with internal employees and settled on a winner.
Primary action
The primary action of this extension is to notify users when they have new mail. The team got it built and I designed some quick assets for the chrome store and we were off.
After setting our little boat adrift in the consumer ocean, it came back with about 14k users. Not bad for a little experiment.